Small-Medium Enterprise

HIT09 is an Italian SME created in 2010 as a spin-off company from the University of Padova, active in the field of design optimisation, simulation and code development for aeronautic and aerospace engineering, with emphasis on propulsion systems and their integration into the airframe. To this purpose, advanced multi-disciplinary, multi-objective optimization codes are used combined with AI tools. In addition, HIT09 is dedicated to design and analysis of small propulsors for UAV and/or ultra-light aircrafts.
HIT09 members combine decades of expertise in various fields of mechanical and aerospace engineering, ranging from design of air propulsion systems, computational analyses and experimental measurements, to the design and realization of complex systems that have been also tested in flight.
Since it was established in 2010, HIT09 has participated in a large number of both EU-funded (FP7, H2020, HorizonEurope, EDF) and private research projects in aeronautics mainly, devoted to aircraft and propulsion design optimisation and complex fluid-dynamic numerical simulations including testing in laboratory.

Technical topics
A. Flight physics - A1. Aerodynamics
A. Flight physics - A2. Thermal and Fluidynamics
G. Propulsion - G1. Endothermic Systems
G. Propulsion - G2. Green Propellant and Combustion
K. Integrated Design and Validation
N. Innovative concepts and scenarios
P. Simulators, Trainers and Synthetic Environments
Italy - North East
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