Calculation of deterioration of commercial aircraft during the climb phase to reduce fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and increase safety.

The project aims to define the calculation method and calculate the aircraft deterioration during the climb phase. The aircraft starts to burn more and more fuel during its life. The difference between the actual fuel consumption of the aircraft and the model fuel consumption of the new aircraft is called deterioration. During the climb phase, up to 60% of the total fuel for the flight is burned. Using deterioration during the climb phase for fuel planning will allow for more precise planning of the amount of fuel required for the flight, which will result in reduced fuel consumption, reduced CO2 emissions, increased safety and increased pilot confidence in the planned fuel (which will result in reduced fuel consumption due to a smaller amount of so-called discretionary fuel). Using deterioration during the climb phase to calculate the optimal speed during the climb will allow for reduced fuel consumption and reduced CO2 emissions during the climb phase. The aim of the R&D is to create time-dependent models of fuel consumption during the climb phase, and use these models to calculate aircraft deterioration. This deterioration will be tested for implementation in two of the Applicant's products: "AdvancedAPM" and "FlyGuide FPO". The models created as part of the R&D work will be models using machine learning techniques (artificial intelligence). These models will be trained on real flight parameter data from quick access recorders (QAR/FDR – so-called "black boxes"). Currently, there are no known methods for calculating deterioration during the take-off phase. There are known methods for calculating deterioration during the flight phase. The Applicant's feasibility study shows possible differences in these deteriorations. The scope of work in the project will include research and development work. The Applicant will implement the results in its business at its own expense. The project results will increase the competitiveness of the company's products and increase exports, allow for entering a new market, while reducing airline costs and CO2 emissions.



A. Flight physics - A1. Aerodynamics
A. Flight physics - A2. Thermal and Fluidynamics
A. Flight physics - A3. Structural Mechanics and Smart Materials
F. Aerostructures
G. Propulsion - G2. Green Propellant and Combustion
G. Propulsion - G3. Electric Systems
I. Flight Mechanics
J. Information and Signal Processing Technology
K. Integrated Design and Validation
L. Integrated Systems Technology

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EFRR/European Funds for a Modern Economy

Project type: National

Country/Region: Poland - South Macroregion

Project ID: FENG.01.01-IP.02-1481/23

Starting year: 2023

Duration: 37M

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