Hybrid ceramics based on aluminosilicates combining the properties of construction and refractory materials
The subject of this project is an innovative product - a structural element of a casting mould based on an advanced aluminosilicate material. It is assumed that the production of the new product will be energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. The new product will be used for precision casting of three high-volume blades of one of the latest dual-use aircraft engines. The first stage of the project will involve developing the phase chemical composition and microstructure of a unique material combining the features of refractory and structural ceramics on a laboratory scale. This stage will include selecting, among others, additives facilitating sintering and modifying the desired properties of the material and lowering the consolidation temperature. The morphology of powders will be appropriately selected, taking into account the assumed shaping techniques. In the second stage, the technology of the product will be developed on a laboratory scale. Due to the shape and volume of the assumed production, it will be necessary to develop, among others, the technology of extrusion moulding from plastic and thermoplastic masses, which in the case of this type of ceramics is an innovation on a global scale. High-performance mechanical processing research will be conducted. An important goal of this stage is also research aimed at using production defects and waste, which will make this technology environmentally friendly. In the final stage of the project, development work will be carried out, within which a complete technology will be developed on an industrial scale. Among other things, modifications will be introduced that take into account the capacity and characteristics of industrial devices. The achieved project goals will not only be the Applicant's success by introducing a new energy-saving and environmentally friendly product to the portfolio, but will also guarantee the achievement of the goals on the recipient's side - a reduced level of defective blades and, consequently, economic and environmental benefits.
Coordinator: Instytut Energetyki – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
More information at:
EFRR/European Funds for a Modern Economy
Project type: National
Country/Region: Poland - East Macroregion
Project ID: FENG.01.01-IP.01-A03D/23
Starting year: 2024
Duration: 35M